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Japan Releases Fully Functioning Female Robots


Japan Releases Fully Functioning Female AI Robots Japan is a country that relies a lot on robots in almost every aspect of its industry. They are a technologically advanced country that makes great use of robots. We have seen Japan reveal many crazy robots over the years and [...]

Japan Releases Fully Functioning Female Robots2024-06-17T18:29:42-04:00

Awarded Top Canada Healthcare Tech Solutions Provider 2022


Awarded Top Canada Healthcare Tech Solutions Provider 2022 Proud to be awarded as Top 20 Canadian Health Tech Provider in 2022. Canada’s healthcare system is brimming with innovations in genomics, AI, and big data, but the biggest is still underway—the ability to break down information silos and bring [...]

Awarded Top Canada Healthcare Tech Solutions Provider 20222023-12-16T14:27:23-05:00

The Rising World Of Building AI Human Clones


The Rising World Of Building AI Human Clones In this programme the world’s leading experts attempt to build an artificial human based on actress Gemma Chan, star of the sci-fi series Humans, for a ground-breaking scientific stunt that will test just how far away we are from [...]

The Rising World Of Building AI Human Clones2023-12-26T22:48:51-05:00

How Boston Dynamics Built The Most Advanced Robot


How Boston Dynamics Built The Most Advanced Robot Capable of eye-catching gymnastic feats, lighting-quick machine learning and slick dancefloor bops, Boston Dynamics robots are truly a modern day technological marvel. And whether you think they mark the dawn of a new age of idle leisure for mankind, [...]

How Boston Dynamics Built The Most Advanced Robot2023-12-30T22:00:07-05:00

Meet Spot, the robot dog that can run, hop and open doors


Meet Spot, the robot dog that can run, hop and open doors That science fiction future where robots can do what people and animals do may be closer than you think. Marc Raibert, founder of Boston Dynamics, is developing advanced robots that can gallop like a cheetah, negotiate [...]

Meet Spot, the robot dog that can run, hop and open doors2023-12-16T15:29:07-05:00

The Art of Innovation


We offer innovative solutions, website design and software development. In addition, we specialize in Ecommerce, SEO, AI and mobile apps.

The Art of Innovation2023-12-16T15:41:29-05:00

Simon Sinek: How Great Leaders Inspire Action


Simon Sinek: How Great Leaders Inspire Action In this TED Talk, Sinek explains the “world’s simplest idea:” The Golden Circle. The Golden Circle is made up of three bullseye layers: the what, the how, and the why, from outer to inner. When it comes to leadership or trust, [...]

Simon Sinek: How Great Leaders Inspire Action2023-12-16T15:30:59-05:00

Yves Morieux: As Work Gets More Complex, 6 Rules to Simplify


Yves Morieux: As Work Gets More Complex, 6 Rules to Simplify The talk starts with debunking the two-pillar system that most businesses try to use to quantify success: “hard” and “soft” metrics and skills. He says that system is entirely irrelevant in today’s corporate structure. Instead, managers and [...]

Yves Morieux: As Work Gets More Complex, 6 Rules to Simplify2023-12-16T15:38:01-05:00

Shawn Achor: The Happy Secret to Better Work


David Allen: Getting in Control and Creating Space Achor claims, “Your brain at positive is 31% more productive than your brain at negative, neutral, or stressed. You’re 37% better at sales. Doctors are 19% faster and more accurate at coming up with the correct diagnosis when positive instead [...]

Shawn Achor: The Happy Secret to Better Work2023-12-16T15:44:12-05:00

Tom Wujec: Build a Tower, Build a Team


We offer innovation solutions, website design and software development. In addition, we specialize in Ecommerce, SEO, AI and mobile apps.

Tom Wujec: Build a Tower, Build a Team2023-12-16T15:55:40-05:00
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